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Top 5 Low Carb Misconceptions


4 min read

We all have heard it. Low Carb Diet? It’s unhealthy. You won’t be able to sustain. It’s so difficult. There will be nothing left to eat. Low carb means high fat and high fat is bad for your health, it’s so restrictive. There is no proof of concept. 

Well, this article won’t go on to talk about the general misconceptions like these related to a low carb diet. In fact it does quite the opposite; counter-arguing those. 

1. No carbs, fruits, or vegetables

Firstly, low carb does not mean no carb, that is, you can still have carbs, but also regulate the amount. Secondly, there is no essential carb. It means that a person can survive without a single gram of carb in his/her diet. 
We eat fruit, but we choose nutrient dense fruit such as for instance berries, but steer clear of high sugar tropical fruits such as mango, bananas and pineapple. When we do eat carbs, it is from nutrient dense lower carb vegetables, nuts, berries and dairy. Our vegetable intake for most people actually increases. We remove the processed carbs from our diet and replace them with increased vegetables. We no more use carbs contained in rice, pasta and bread. 

2. Low carb diet lacks variety

We eat a full variety of whole foods. Whenever you remove the carbs what’s left? Everything else. A top carb diet actually crowds out nutrition. A low carb diet crowds out junk. A sandwich has almost no nutrition (with only a few scant nutritious ingredients inside) in comparison to a sizable salad. Having sushi as an example, is very same of eating white bread (in terms of carbs) and almost no nutritious fillings inside. 

In fact whenever you go low carb, your diet plan will consist of meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds and healthy fats. Many people who’ve gone low carb say they’ve started cooking for themselves  initially and love experimenting with new recipes and foods.

3. Carbs are important to make energy

Most people report that they have never had so much energy. Fat is a more sustaining fuel than carbs. Once we burn up all our stored carbs (glycogen) we switch to fat burning mode. We have an almost unlimited way to obtain energy from our fat stores. You will no further be on the sugar roller coaster, with afternoon slumps and evening munchies.

4. Our brain needs glucose as fuel

Our brain can be fueled by both glucose and ketones, which can be the way the human race has survived famines and periods of fasting since time immemorial. The mind can efficiently operate on ketones, actually this is exactly what gives many individuals such mental clarity and continuous concentration they’ve never experienced before when on a high carb diet. 

A ketogenic diet possesses an anti seizure effect for those with epilepsy. Ketosis can also be a much better environment for neuronal recover and repair, reduced total of seizures and prevention of Alzheimer’s. If any glucose is needed by certain parts of the brain, our anatomies can produce it from protein through gluconeogenesis. So it seems that glucose is not the most preferred fuel for the brain at all.

5. All that fat makes you prone to heart disease

Study after study has repeatedly shown us that it is the carbs inside our diet that increases inflammation, creates the dangerous type of LDL cholesterol carrier (tiny, angry oxidized LDL), raises triglycerides, raises our danger of cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes (which is among the biggest risk factors of heart disease). Eating low carb and healthy fats actually reduces each risk factor. Reducing your carbs will lessen your triglycerides (best predictor of heart disease), reduce blood pressure, improve HDL and improve the size and type of LDL. 

In fact, low carb diet induces weight loss, reduces hunger, improves metabolic syndrome and blood lipid profiles, reduces risk of cardiovascular disease and blood pressure. It also improves insulin sensitivity and reduces Type-2 diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s. Low carb diets are easier to stick to versus zero fat diets. Reducing our carb intake and preventing insulin resistance may be one of the most powerful things we could do for a healthy and happy lifestyle.

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