We strive to provide accurate and balanced information on vitamins, minerals and other food supplements. Here are answers to some of the more common questions we get from customers. If you have a question or concern that isn’t answered here, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.


Please have a look at our frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to take multivitamins?

Multivitamins are supplements that contain many essential vitamins and minerals. This is a form of insurance against any potential deficits / deficiencies in your diet. In our fast paced lives, a balanced diet sometimes takes a backseat – and hence multivitamins are like a “cover all your bases” supplement.

How do I take supplements?

For many people, breakfast is the most convenient time for taking a supplement. You will want to take it in a way that maximizes the absorption of its nutrients (i.e. essential vitamins and minerals) so it is recommended that you take your supplements with a meal in the morning or early afternoon.

Can I take supplements on my own, without a doctor’s prescription?

Yes, supplements are available for sale over the counter at local pharmacies or online and do not require a doctor’s prescription. However, it’s important to ask your doctor about taking supplements if you’re pregnant/nursing, about to have surgery, have a heart condition such as high blood pressure, heart disease, or diabetes.

Can people get all the nutrients they need from their diet?

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is the best way to get all the nutrients the body needs.  However, most people do not meet dietary recommendations such as eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day or oily fish twice a week.

Some groups of people in particular may find it difficult to achieve the recommended nutrient intake through diet alone. These include young children and adolescents, pregnant and breastfeeding women, elderly people, smokers, heavy drinkers, and anybody on a restrictive diet, such as vegans, vegetarians and people trying to lose weight.

Nutrients can also be lost from food as a result of poor methods of storage, preparation and cooking. In addition, busy lifestyles mean that people are more inclined to skip meals and grab individual snacks without giving thought to putting together properly balanced meals which would provide the right mix of nutrients.

What happens if people don’t get all the vitamins and minerals they need?

Nutrition underpins good health and research has highlighted links between inadequate intakes of vitamins and minerals and poor health. There are now strong links between low intakes of particular nutrients and the risk of developing chronic diseases including some cancers, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and depression.

During pregnancy, insufficient nutrient intake can have long-term health implications for the health of the child. Women who are trying to conceive, and pregnant women should take a folic acid supplement of 400 micrograms up to week 12 of the pregnancy to help prevent neural tube defects. Improving nutrition is increasingly important for enabling people to maintain quality of life in older age.

Does taking supplements replace the need for a varied and balanced diet?

As the name suggests, dietary supplements are only intended to “supplement” people’s diets and not replace healthy foods. Everyone should aim to eat as varied and balanced a diet as possible. However, many people do not meet their daily dietary recommendations – because of junk food and other low-nutritional foods, busy schedules, medical conditions, improper storage and preparation of foods etc.

How can I tell whether I’m getting a good quality supplement?

Manufacturers are required to follow “good manufacturing practices” (GMPs), which means their supplements have to meet certain quality standards. To be sure you’re getting a good-quality product, look for a seal of approval from a trusted government organization such as the FSSAI.

All Supp products are made with the highest-quality ingredients and our manufacturing partners are WHO-GMP, ISO 9001:2005 Certified and GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) certified.

What is the difference between RDA and DV?

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is the amount of a certain nutrient you should get each day based on your age, gender, and whether you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

On a supplement label, you’re more likely to see the acronym DV, which stands for Daily Value. This represents how much of a nutrient the supplement provides in regards to a total daily diet. For example, if a calcium supplement is labeled “50% DV,” it contains 500 mg of calcium per serving, because the DV for calcium is 1,000 mg per day. Sometimes the DV contained in a supplement will be higher than the RDA for certain people. In many cases, there is no DV for a supplement, so the label will reflect that.

Who should take multivitamins and other dietary supplements?

Multivitamins are suitable for people of all ages and gender. However, a few specific populations are commonly deficient in nutrients and could benefit more from taking daily nutritional supplements:

Older people

Older people are more likely to find themselves deficient in some micronutrients, especially calcium and vitamins B12.

People with Restrictive Diets

Meeting all your micronutrient needs when on a restrictive diet – vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, paleo et al, needs good dietary planning. A multivitamin could make it that much easier to fulfill all your nutritional requirements.

People afflicted with certain diseases

A number of diseases and medical issues can cause nutritional deficiencies; multivitamins and other supplements may be a good choice in such situations. Type 2 diabetes is associated with an increased risk of low magnesium levels and other deficiencies. Celiac and Crohn’s diseases carry a risk for nutritional deficiencies due to nutrients being poorly absorbed.

What are the most common vitamin and mineral deficiencies among Indians?

You will find 3 main deficiencies among Indians. Around 38% of the population in India is vegetarian, so in the first place, most of the vegans and vegetarians are deficient in B6 and B12.

B6 helps you to strengthen immunity but its main function is to act as a neurotransmitter for the nervous system. It directly or indirectly affects our mood, keeps sleep and appetite in check. B12 on another hand is in charge of lowering the danger of heart problems, deteriorating proteins and fatty acids, and also protect our nerve cells.

The second deficiency most Indians have is Calcium. Especially women after age 30 may require some calcium supplementation. The calcium bank inside our body may be filled and refilled only till teenage post which our calcium bank closes down and body may utilise the same calcium for different functions like maintaining muscle tissue and muscle mobility.

The third and the most frequent deficiency is Vitamin D. Vitamin D is just a fat soluble nutrient useful for various functions in the body. It is employed by your body to absorb calcium and phosphorus effectively and could even assist with regulating mood by lowering anxiety.

What are the most common vitamin and mineral deficiencies among Indians?

Yes, some vitamin and mineral deficiencies could cause weight gain. As much as these are nutrients themselves, they also boost our metabolism so they are absorbed equally and effectively. The lack of many of them affects the metabolism by inhibiting immature fat cells from developing into mature fat cells.

For instance, the deficiency of Vitamin A, D, E, C, B complex, calcium, chromium, magnesium and iron causes you to gain more weight.

Well, one may think how a nutrient can cause your metabolism to race, it’s since these vitamins and minerals play the main function of converting food into energy.

What kind of indicators can determine digestion?

There are two factors that can determine digestion. One definitely can be your lifestyle which includes the kind of food/diet you consume, and the time of your meals.

Low fibre diet may be problematic for the digestion of the person who consumes it. High protein diet also can cause constipation. For the proper digestion and absorption of food, make sure to boost your water intake, especially when you are on a higher protein diet.

Bad Carbs like junk food, and packaged food also can worsen digestion. Instead, consume good carbs like wholegrain, and a fibre rich diet. People who have a non vegetarian diet, especially who consume red meat also can face indigestion.

Timing of your meal also plays a massive role in deciding whether it is efficiently digested and absorbed or simply worsen your stomach. Keep an eye on your night meals, and have your dinner at the least 2 hours before going to sleep to enhance your digestion.

Sometimes the agents of indigestion can’t be much controlled. For instance, when someone suffers from gluten allergy like celiac, some intestinal problems, stomach infection, or food poisoning.