Bones have their personal calcium bank that cannot be renewed after your teenage years. The calcium levels get depleted because there are a number of roles (including muscle and nerve function) that calcium is responsible for. When the needs are not met, the body consumes calcium from the bones in your body. Even though, the calcium bank in the bones cannot be renewed, it must be maintained through required amount of calcium to keep bones and teeth healthy for a long time.
You must take the calcium carbonate supplement after any meal to reap maximum results.
You can consider calcium supplementation if you are lactose intolerant, follow a vegan diet, suffering from osteoporosis, have a high protein or high sodium diet which may cause your body to excrete more calcium. Women, especially after the age of 30 should consider calcium supplementation.
Calcium supplements can interact with many prescription medicines including antibiotics and medicines for high blood pressure. So if you’re already under any medication, it is advisable that you consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking calcium supplements.
No. You must avoid taking the two supplements together.
It is recommended for everyone to balance the variety of food so you get a nutrient rich diet. However for some people it can be difficult to obtain appropriate calcium through their diet alone. These groups may include:
Older adults: With increasing age comes decreased absorption of calcium. Therefore middle aged or older people may need to consider calcium supplementation to keep their bones and muscles healthy.
Menopausal women: It is extremely important for women going through pre-menopause and post-menopause years to sustain calcium and avoid bone loss during the process. If some calcium is obtained through the diet, supplementation of upto 1000 mg is usually adequate.
Strict vegetarians: People who are strictly on a plant based diet and do not consume dairy at all, must consider calcium supplementation to avoid weakening of bones in later stages of the deficiency.
Yes. Timing the consumption of a calcium supplement increases the efficiency of the body to absorb it. Taking your calcium supplement after eating food, say after mealtime, will allow more time for the calcium supplement to get absorbed in the presence of stomach acid that is produced while digestion.
The upper limit of calcium intake for adults is 2000 mg. However, if you are planning to supplement your intake, please be aware of:
- your recommended calcium intake according to your personal needs.
- how much calcium you typically consume through your diet in a day.